Jim Turnbull brings a unique skill set to the field of mediation and arbitration: an experienced civil litigation lawyer, an experienced former trial judge knowledgeable in the law and the nuances of the courtroom and a judge known for his patience and courtesy who has rendered over three hundred written rulings or judgments in a timely manner.
Jim Turnbull has used his mediation skills in hundreds of cases while a judge to help the parties resolve their differences without the necessity of a trial. He recognizes that the court process today is too draining emotionally, financially and time wise for most people and businesses. Mediation and Arbitration allow the parties to streamline the process to getting a fair resolution or a timely decision, while preserving their privacy. The cost of these procedures are almost invariably much cheaper than protracted litigation through the courts.
Jim’s motto in his practice is taken from a speech which Abraham Lincoln delivered to the Illinois State Bar prior to becoming the President of the United States. In it, Lincoln said: “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbours to compromise whenever you can”.
Litigants can benefit from his 48 years of experience as a trial lawyer and Superior Court Judge to help them, in most cases, to find a creative and logical resolution to their conflict.
If the parties decide to arbitrate their case, he can suggest procedures to streamline the process to minimize the costs to the parties.
Jim Turnbull is able to type as fast as a witness speaks so that he is able to provide arbitration awards which are factually and legally correct in a timely manner.